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Affiliate Marketing in a Nutshell


Affiliate Marketing in a Nutshell

What exactly is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is the single fastest growth industry on the Internet. It's also true that affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and most creative ways to make money and have a career on the Internet.

Simply put, affiliate marketing is selling products on a commission basis. You own a business that advertises and sells products for other companies. You may have a product of your own to begin with or not. The things that a successful affiliate marketer must have are:

1. Your website is the jumping off point of all your marketing efforts. So the first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. You must build a user-friendly website, which will attract your prospects and motivate them to click on the links to the products and services you are promoting and make a purchase. There are companies whose business is building websites that you can hire to build one for you. 

2. You must find products to sell, you must be able to determine whether there is a demand for those products and if people will actually buy them.  You may either have your own original product or products that are made by others. Which ever way you go, you must believe in the products. 

3. It will be necessary for you to become an adept advertiser and be able to tell whether the advertising you are paying for is producing more income for you than the advertising is costing you. 

4. It is necessary that you have good mathematical skills. You will need to be able to track your sales and determine profit, as well as, see to it that your suppliers are paid in full and on time. 

5. You need the full and unwavering support of your family so that you can devote the time and energy necessary to launch your affiliate marketing business. 

#marketing #affiliatemarketing #business

Significance of Back Lighting in Cosmetics Product Photography




Significance of Back Lighting in Cosmetics Product Photography

Recommend Article Article Comments 
Expert Author Aarti R

A lot of people try to shoot their products themselves. While it is a good thing to do, they actually do not have the skill set needed to get a good picture. Amateur photographers too due to lack of experience can leave a lack in a good picture. Decade of experience is a great teacher than just some photography tutorials. That is exactly where a professional photography service company like EtherArts Product Photography comes in to picture. This is what is necessary along with a professional photography gear and some knowledge of Lights and Reflections. In this article, we will share some light on the reflective Cosmetics product photography - Liquid Cosmetics in particular and what are the most important factors that you need to pay attention to for a successful photograph.

Lighting the product takes most of the photographers attention. Every photographer would make efforts to light the product up appropriately. Some go beyond this to light it up so much that the product gets overexposed and is washed out in the pictures. Such images are poor photography. A smart and experienced photographer will pay attention to lighting up the product along with something called backlighting. Backlighting essentially means lighting the back portion of the product Or the background of the product. To do this it is necessary to pay attention to the below mentioned aspects of the product.

Product Nature- Most important is the nature of the product to be photographed. Solid products differ a lot than the liquid containing cosmetic products. Hence we need to be careful while choosing the correct set up.

Background- A lot of times, Ecommerce photography requires white background. Amazon requires a seamless white background for all their listings. This is a mandatory requirement. In order to get this white background, a lot of photographers tend to use extreme bright lights or use a high camera Aperture number. This results in the product getting 'white-washed' and practically disappears in to the light. The contrasts are low and the edges of the products look foggy. For Aroma Oil cosmetics photography, all we need is just the necessary amount of light in the background to get just the correct amount of seamless white. So be careful while trying to get the white background. A photo-editing software will be helpful in clearing what is left of the greyish-whitish background.

BackLighting- Amateur photographers focus less on lighting. They believe that the daylight (sunlight) is the best environment to shoot products in. But they are mistaken. Studio Daylights are different. Use Daylight (white light) bulbs for the lighting. A dark room is a must for product photography. This allows the photographer to control lights as needed, mostly depending on the type of product is shot. For Aroma Oil Cosmetics Photography in particular, try using a low strength daylight bulb as a backlight. This gently illuminates the liquid inside the glass containers giving it the most enhanced look. The yellow or colored oil starts showing a nice color to it, instead of just a black or transparent liquid. This brings out the colors of the oils giving them the much needed wow factor to the photograph.

The author is a Professional Product Photographer for more than a decade now. Working with EtherArts Product Photography, the author now serves Amazon Store owners with their product photography needs. EtherArts Product Photography is now Amazon Approved Photography Vendor and has served a lot of White background Photo requirements and also Lifestyle images. Pricing starts from $15/pic. Affordable pricing with effective product photography is our strength. We serve Nationwide clients. Products, Jewelry, Ghost Mannequin Apparel, Electronics, Supplements, Industrial, Handbags are all photographed with great quality. Quick turnaround time and transparent pricing. We allow our work to speak for itself and have 5 star Google reviews offered by our clients. Email us now for a quote.

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Writing Your First Screenplay


Writing Your First Screenplay

Introduction to the story, characters, location and time frame should usually be the start of the screenplay. Setup is an important part as the audiences have knowledge about the movie or the performance. It's better to start with a picture rather than an unknown voice on a blank screen as that will be good to absorb the audience into the story. The image can be of anyone, either that of the actor who plays the central role, or any place like his hometown, whatever conveys the theme? Like in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a snake is shown crawling which later gets killed by Potter in order to save himself and the students. 

Starting with characters interaction is also a good idea as the audience concentrate on them for a while to decide whether they want to pursue them or not and also keep them wondering about the plot of the story. But it's very important that whatever is portrayed in the first few scenes or the first ten minutes should be directly related to the story. If any irrelevant stuff is being displayed it will simply confuse the audience and can also make them lose interest.

After gaining audience's interest the next ten pages should explain about the unfolding of the story and at the same time holding the suspense of the story. Most of the characters can be introduced, environment can be created, past events can be enacted and the villain can also be introduced but that isn't a must. To build the suspense the villain can be pictured as a good guy but his reality comes to light after a bad incident or when he caught red handed by another character. But this shouldn't take long to test the patience of the viewers.

Next is the catalyst or the inciting incident which creates a twist in the movie. The normal flow of the story should be disrupted. The audience should be kept on their toes so as to retain their interest in the story. Questions like what do the characters want and what is obstructing them should be answered here.  After these questions are answered the next question will be very important, that whether the evil-doer will win in his plan. Until this question isn't answered the audience waits for something to happen, they wait for some action or they wait for the climax of the movie. If the antagonist doesn't win the story will have a happy ending and the characters will live happily ever after. But if he does win, then the story will have a tragic end and sometimes will result in the death of the main character. This is known as the first act of the movie.  

The catalyst or the inciting incident can be depicted as small scenes which when linked creates a mystery or with the receiving of vital information by some character or as a clash between the good and the bad characters. In the movie "Disturbia" the hero watches reports on the television about missing girls and were later found murdered. In another scene, the hero hears a scream of a girl from his neighbor's house, who is also the antagonist of the movie. 

Plot point one is the climax of the movie. It occurs after the first act. They are usually meant to surprise the audience with something unexpected with the occurrence of a pivotal event.  The main lead takes a risk and faces his opponent. And if it's a happy ending kind of a movie, the main lead gains victory over the villain by either killing him or making him learn a lesson. And if the story is supposed to have a sad ending, the villain gets away by causing harm to the good character. The last page should give an idea about what the future will be for all the characters and if it's a sequel, it should keep the audience guessing about the future.

#writing #media #screenplay #Hollywood

The Best Streaming Video Players


The Best Streaming Video Players

There are a number of different types of streaming video players.  In order to determine the best streaming video players, we would need to look at the different qualities and characteristics of each of the video players.  In many cases, individuals may not realize that streaming video does not just exist on the internet.  To be honest, a lot of us have been using streaming video almost all of our lives.  This is because the television and the television stations and channels will connect to the television set, and play a video that is being constantly transmitted from the station or channel tower.

Television is one of the most popular types of streaming video, but it does not use a streaming video player, it uses the individual television set.  In order to look at the best streaming video players, we have to return to the internet in order to determine in an objective manner the best streaming video players for the individual.  Sometimes, what a person is looking for will help to determine which type of video player is best for this person.  There are more high quality streaming video players, and then there are ones that are not as high quality, yet still effective.  In matters like these, it will likely depend quite a bit on what the individual wants and needs from their streaming video players.  Once this is determined, the individual will likely be able to make a good decision about which streaming video player they want to use.

Windows Media Player is a streaming video player, among its other capabilities of playing videos and different mediums, that is already installed on an individual's computer in most instances.  Due to the fact that it is already on the computer, it is one of the best streaming video players since it is so convenient and easy for the individual to use.  It already represents the default media player for the individual.  There are other video players that can be used when it comes to viewing streamed videos, but the fact of the matter is that in most cases these are not already installed on the computer.  Instead, in order to use them, the individual will need to download them off of the internet in order to use them for streaming video viewing purposes.  Some of these media players are the Quicktime Viewer and Real Media Player.  These are both very easy to use, but the fact still remains that for the most part the Windows Media Player is one of the best streaming video players simply because of its convenience and also the player's capability to be used by a novice computer user.

Its design is very simple and the other players can be a little more complicated for individuals that may not be terribly familiar with the computer and the programs on the computer.  However, for individuals that are familiar with the computer, Quicktime can be slightly better in quality when it comes to viewing the streamed videos that the individual wants to watch.  The results of the best streaming video players may be left up to the capabilities of the computer user in general.

#streaming #video #tech #technology 

Top 5 Ways To Generate Low Cost Website Traffic



Top 5 Ways To Generate Low Cost Website Traffic

There is one hard and fast rule in generating income for your website: A steady flow of website traffic. If no one goes to your site, it hardly bares a chance of generating an income. Many sites have tried and failed in doing so, and these results to the sites demise. It takes money to maintain an income generating site; it also takes money to make money.

BUT, it doesn't take a whole caboodle of cash to generate website traffic for your site.

Ever wonder how does big hit sites drive traffic top their site? Most of them are spending tons of money to drive the traffic to their sites, investing in many advertising campaigns and different forms of marketing schemes and gimmickries. This is all worthwhile because, well, they are what they are now, high earning, big hitting websites. 

You don't have to do this if you don't really have their resources. There are many ways to generate low cost website traffic without having to spend what you don't have or can't afford. Many people have banked on high cost methods and have ended up losing their shirt over it. 

Here I present to you the Top five ways to generate low cost website traffic that could help your site a whole lot. Even if you only get a small percentage of successful visitors in to client ratio it still works especially if you get a high number of website traffic. 

Exchange Links

This is a sure and proven method. Rarely would you see a site where there is no link to another site. Many webmasters are willing to exchange links with one another so that they could produce more public awareness about their sites. You'll soon see and feel the sudden upsurge of the traffic coming in to your site from other sites.

A major prerequisite in exchanging links with other sites is having the same niche or content as the other site. They should share a common subject so that there is continuity in the providing of service and information to what interests your target traffic. 

Exchanging links also boosts your chances of getting a high ranking in search engine results. It is common knowledge that search engines ranks high sites that have inbound and outbound theme-related links. With a good ranking position in the search engines, you will generate more traffic in your website without the high costs. 

Traffic Exchange

This is like exchanging links but on a different higher level. This may cost a bit more than exchanging or trading links but could be made cheaper because you get to earn credits. You can use those credits when viewing others traffic, while you earn credits when someone views yours.

Traffic exchange services are the viewing of another's site or page. This is done vice versa where a site can use your sites contents and so can you to his or her site. You both benefit from each others efforts to generate traffic. The other sites visitors can go to your pages and know more about your site as well as theirs. Once again the public awareness of your sites existence is boosted. 

Write and Submit Articles

There are many e-zines and online encyclopedias in the internet which provides free space for articles to be submitted. If you want to save costs, you can do the articles yourself. There are many freelance writers who are willing to write for you for a small fee, but to save money, it is wise to do those articles yourself.

Write articles that are themed along with the niche of your site. Write something that you have expertise on so that when they read it, they can feel your knowledge about the subject and will be eager to go to your site. Write articles that produce tips and guidelines to the subject or niche your site has. 

Include a resource box at the end of your article that can link them to your site. Write a little about yourself and your site. If you provide a light, information-laden and interesting article, they will go to your site for more. 

Make a Newsletter.

This may sound like hard work because of all the articles you may need to use to build a newsletter but on the contrary, this is not so. There are many writers and sites that are willing to provide free articles as long as they can get their name in on your newsletter. This will also provide free advertising for them as well.

As your newsletter gets pass around, you can widen your public awareness and build an opt-in list that can regularly visit your site.

Join Online Communities and Forums

This only requires your time and nothing else. You can share your knowledge and expertise with many online communities as well as your website. You can get free advertising when you go to forums that have the same subject or niche with your site.

Share your two cents and let them see how knowledgeable you are with the subject. As you build your reputation, you also build the reputation of your site, making it a reputable and honest business that could be frequented and trusted by many people. 

#business #traffic #webtraffic 

Reducing Load Time Through Image Optimization


Reducing Load Time Through Image Optimization

Even though more and more Internet users switch to broadband every year, a large portion of the web's population is still running on good old dialup connections. It is therefore unwise to count them out of the equation when you're designing your website, and a very major consideration we have to make for dialup users is the loading time of your website. 

Generally, all the text on your website will be loaded in a very short time even on a dialup connection. The culprit of slow-loading sites is mainly large images on your website, and it is very important to strike a delicate balance between using just enough images to attract your users and not to bog down the overall loading time of your site. 

You should also go to a greater length and optimize every image on your site to make sure it loads in the least time possible. What I really mean is to use image editing software to remove unnecessary information on your images, and thereby effectively reducing the file size of your image without affecting its appearance. 

If you own Photoshop, it will be obvious to you that when you save an image as a JPEG file, a dialog box appears and lets you choose the "quality" of the JPEG image -- normally a setting of 8 to 10 is good enough as it will preserve the quality of your image while saving it at a small file size. If you do not have Photoshop, there are many free image compressors online that you can download and use to reduce your image's file size. 

On the other hand, you can opt to save your images in PNG format to get the best quality at the least file size. You can also save your images in GIF format -- the image editing software clips away all the color information not used in your image, hence giving you the smallest file size possible. However, saving in GIF format will often compromise the appearance of your image, so make your choice wisely! 

#webdesign #internet #web #optimization


Internet and Politics



Internet and Politics

In the past, political figures relied upon the news in the form of television stations and even newspapers to release information to the public, i.e. direct to the electorate. Now with the invention of the internet, more political figures are releasing their own information. How does this affect the release of information? Does this add to the impact of law and government on society, or is this merely a direct root to brainwashing the public. Furthermore, is it good to use political figures time releasing information when they should be enacting change? In this article we will look at the relationship between the internet and politics, and whether the move towards more accessibility and greater personal accounting is beneficial to democracy and government.

The correct answers are never easy to find, however with some work, analysis and thought it is possible to come up with the right answer. The right answer is there is no answer - isn’t that horrific. Each politician has different means of how comfortable they are on the internet. Using the internet has allowed some to maintain a closer proximity to the people they represent, while others have used it as a means to avoid personal contact with the people. Either way, the Internet is obviously a powerful campaigning tool, and most politicians seemed to have realized and utilized this within their own campaigns.  

Many politicians are taking the internet and using it as a means of keeping a continuous stream of contact with the media, the people they represent, and everyone else. The internet has allowed the political figures who use it the ability to quickly communicate with everyone whenever important information is available. This makes them more accessible to the ordinary man in the street, which has never been possible through any other medium in the past.

Using the internet to communicate directly with people has improved the accuracy of the information that comes down in the political reigns. Being assured of accurate information is why many prefer to receive the information directly from the lawmakers whom they elected. Many times, it is possible to find the information in more detail online, and with less hassle and false facts.  

Couple the increased communication with the fact that each day, millions log onto the internet and it makes it the perfect place for candidates to hone their campaign skills to help increase their visual image in the public eye. Most voters want a political figure they can find easily so they are able to do research to find the candidate that they truly believe in without spending hours doing research. Furthermore, the internet allows politicians to point their campaigns directly at a completely new demographic that had never before been tapped into. This is unleashing a whole new generation of voters eager to make the difference, which is working wonders for the politicians involved, and of course their savvy communications managers.

Many voters have embraced the idea of being able to show support for their political parties from the comforts of their home over the internet. Politicians are also enjoying the ability to quickly communicate and using various social websites as well as the websites for their offices to keep a good flow of communication open with voters. With everything compiled it is a wonderful age, where the internet is able to bring politicians and voters much closer together, while still allowing the politicians to be in Washington, or where their office is performing their job. 

With the ease of the internet, politicians are able to communicate with the public from anywhere, giving them more time to communicate greater amounts of information to the public, as well as be able to gather feedback from the public in regards to the wishes of the majority. Overall, it is a wonderful time and a wonderful addition to the political world since the invent of the internet. 

#internet #socialmedia #politics #publicpolicy


Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Online Website

Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Online Website

Do you own or operate your own website?  With the rising popularity of the internet, there is a good chance that you do. A large number of internet users run their own personal websites, but others run their websites as a way to make money.  Of course, any website owner wishes to promote their online website, but those who rely on their websites for income are more willing to. Whichever type of website you have, did you know that you could help to promote it with online social networking websites?

If you are wondering how and why you should use social networking websites to promote your online website, you are not alone. A fairly large numbers of internet users aren't even sure what social networking sites are or how they work.  Online social networking websites are like online communities. They give internet users an easy and fairly safe way to come together.  Many social networking websites are designed to make it easier for you to search for and make contact with other internet users, especially those that you have something in common with.  

With a fairly large number of social networking websites, including MySpace, having over a millions users, there is a good chance that you could not only make new friends, but find internet users that would be interested in visiting your online website, especially if that website is your personal website. When joining an online networking community, you should be given your own profile page. On this page you could not only describe yourself, your online website. By mentioning what your personal online webpage is all about and providing a link, you should receive a number of new visitors.  

As previously mentioned, social networking websites can benefit all website owners, but especially those who are looking to make a profit with their websites.  This can be done one of two ways, by selling something or by relying on revenue from advertising.  If you have a website that selling products or services, you may find it a little bit easier to use social networking sites to your advantage.  This is because, if you wish, you could do product or service spotlights.  Each day, week, or month, you could showcase one of the products or services that your website sells.  This could either be done right on your profile page or on a blog page, which is provided by most social networking websites.

If you are using your online website to make money with advertising programs, such as affiliate programs or Google Adsense, you may need to approach social networking websites in a different matter. Since you will not necessarily have a particular product or service to focus on, you will need to approach these websites as if they were personal websites.  If your website discusses being a dog owner, it may be a good idea to state your love for dogs in your profile. After doing so, it would be acceptable and not necessarily considered spam to add a link to your online website.  As with all other types of online websites, social networking websites should help to increase the number of page views your website receives. In most cases, more page views mean more clicks which means money for you.

As you can easily see, there are a number of different ways that you can promote your online website, no matter what type of website you have or what you use it for.  By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to see an increase in your page views, in no time at all.

#socialnetworking #socialmedia #networking #business #marketing