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Internet and Politics



Internet and Politics

In the past, political figures relied upon the news in the form of television stations and even newspapers to release information to the public, i.e. direct to the electorate. Now with the invention of the internet, more political figures are releasing their own information. How does this affect the release of information? Does this add to the impact of law and government on society, or is this merely a direct root to brainwashing the public. Furthermore, is it good to use political figures time releasing information when they should be enacting change? In this article we will look at the relationship between the internet and politics, and whether the move towards more accessibility and greater personal accounting is beneficial to democracy and government.

The correct answers are never easy to find, however with some work, analysis and thought it is possible to come up with the right answer. The right answer is there is no answer - isn’t that horrific. Each politician has different means of how comfortable they are on the internet. Using the internet has allowed some to maintain a closer proximity to the people they represent, while others have used it as a means to avoid personal contact with the people. Either way, the Internet is obviously a powerful campaigning tool, and most politicians seemed to have realized and utilized this within their own campaigns.  

Many politicians are taking the internet and using it as a means of keeping a continuous stream of contact with the media, the people they represent, and everyone else. The internet has allowed the political figures who use it the ability to quickly communicate with everyone whenever important information is available. This makes them more accessible to the ordinary man in the street, which has never been possible through any other medium in the past.

Using the internet to communicate directly with people has improved the accuracy of the information that comes down in the political reigns. Being assured of accurate information is why many prefer to receive the information directly from the lawmakers whom they elected. Many times, it is possible to find the information in more detail online, and with less hassle and false facts.  

Couple the increased communication with the fact that each day, millions log onto the internet and it makes it the perfect place for candidates to hone their campaign skills to help increase their visual image in the public eye. Most voters want a political figure they can find easily so they are able to do research to find the candidate that they truly believe in without spending hours doing research. Furthermore, the internet allows politicians to point their campaigns directly at a completely new demographic that had never before been tapped into. This is unleashing a whole new generation of voters eager to make the difference, which is working wonders for the politicians involved, and of course their savvy communications managers.

Many voters have embraced the idea of being able to show support for their political parties from the comforts of their home over the internet. Politicians are also enjoying the ability to quickly communicate and using various social websites as well as the websites for their offices to keep a good flow of communication open with voters. With everything compiled it is a wonderful age, where the internet is able to bring politicians and voters much closer together, while still allowing the politicians to be in Washington, or where their office is performing their job. 

With the ease of the internet, politicians are able to communicate with the public from anywhere, giving them more time to communicate greater amounts of information to the public, as well as be able to gather feedback from the public in regards to the wishes of the majority. Overall, it is a wonderful time and a wonderful addition to the political world since the invent of the internet. 

#internet #socialmedia #politics #publicpolicy


Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Online Website

Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Online Website

Do you own or operate your own website?  With the rising popularity of the internet, there is a good chance that you do. A large number of internet users run their own personal websites, but others run their websites as a way to make money.  Of course, any website owner wishes to promote their online website, but those who rely on their websites for income are more willing to. Whichever type of website you have, did you know that you could help to promote it with online social networking websites?

If you are wondering how and why you should use social networking websites to promote your online website, you are not alone. A fairly large numbers of internet users aren't even sure what social networking sites are or how they work.  Online social networking websites are like online communities. They give internet users an easy and fairly safe way to come together.  Many social networking websites are designed to make it easier for you to search for and make contact with other internet users, especially those that you have something in common with.  

With a fairly large number of social networking websites, including MySpace, having over a millions users, there is a good chance that you could not only make new friends, but find internet users that would be interested in visiting your online website, especially if that website is your personal website. When joining an online networking community, you should be given your own profile page. On this page you could not only describe yourself, your online website. By mentioning what your personal online webpage is all about and providing a link, you should receive a number of new visitors.  

As previously mentioned, social networking websites can benefit all website owners, but especially those who are looking to make a profit with their websites.  This can be done one of two ways, by selling something or by relying on revenue from advertising.  If you have a website that selling products or services, you may find it a little bit easier to use social networking sites to your advantage.  This is because, if you wish, you could do product or service spotlights.  Each day, week, or month, you could showcase one of the products or services that your website sells.  This could either be done right on your profile page or on a blog page, which is provided by most social networking websites.

If you are using your online website to make money with advertising programs, such as affiliate programs or Google Adsense, you may need to approach social networking websites in a different matter. Since you will not necessarily have a particular product or service to focus on, you will need to approach these websites as if they were personal websites.  If your website discusses being a dog owner, it may be a good idea to state your love for dogs in your profile. After doing so, it would be acceptable and not necessarily considered spam to add a link to your online website.  As with all other types of online websites, social networking websites should help to increase the number of page views your website receives. In most cases, more page views mean more clicks which means money for you.

As you can easily see, there are a number of different ways that you can promote your online website, no matter what type of website you have or what you use it for.  By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to see an increase in your page views, in no time at all.

#socialnetworking #socialmedia #networking #business #marketing


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